Tuesday, April 20, 2010

#8 - Doctor's Office

So going to the doctor for allergy tests isn't bad. But getting close to something to take a picture of it AFTER you find out your allergic to it, is a little silly. But these were just too beautiful to pass up. And the caterpillar was just too cute.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7: Mail, Anyone?

It's a long story, but we don't have an outgoing mailbox. We have to try and stick our outgoing mail into the fence where our boxes are built in, and it's a pain - especially if it rains or the wind is blowing extra hard. AND the huge trash bin sometimes gets placed too close of just in front of our boxes and it's hard to push that thing out of the way. Well, when I went shopping once, I found this postal center. BEST place to drop my mail off when I go to the store. They are the friendliest, most helpful people and I LOVE dropping in and mailing things from their center. Until we get new boxes at our place, this is where I drop off my mail and packages.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

5 & 6: My New Home

I see I'm not keeping up too well on pics. Here are two new pics in my area.
Here are first buds on our hydrangea bush just outside our front door. Can't wait to see it bloom again. Hopefully, the kids won't cut off the flowers again like last year. Didn't realize it till I noticed I had a lot of branches and no flowers.

On my drive home from "work" I saw these pretty purple flowers on the hill and had to try and get a shot. It's so nice to see flowers blooming everywhere again.

New life - much like the new life we have when we accept Jesus as our Savior. He died and rose again for us and we become new creatures - new blooms. And beautiful blooms.